Eric Peterson Eric Peterson

Ain’t I a Mermaid?

It’s not only permissible, but praiseworthy, even important to see a Black Ariel in 2022.

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Eric Peterson Eric Peterson

A League of Our Own

Reboots and remakes are often derided by audiences who want something new. But sometimes, there really is a new spin on that ball.

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Eric Peterson Eric Peterson

Love is (Not Color) Blind

I hope we’ll continue to see more interracial relationships on screen. It’s a good look, and a smart business move. But so far, the look is all surface and no substance.

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Eric Peterson Eric Peterson

Sounds About White

Using a loaded phrase like “Critical Race Theory” as a catch-all for anything about race learned in a classroom that might make a white student uncomfortable makes it easier to fight.

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Justin Godwin Justin Godwin

White-colored Goggles

Everything I see is through the lens of Whiteness. I can't ever know for sure what other folks see -- but I can make the attempt.

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