When it comes to DEI, the way you educate and engage your team makes all the difference.

We tailor-make content to fit your organization’s unique needs.

  • Keynote Speeches

    Whether live or online, Eric has delivered powerful and impactful keynote messages on topics such as Implicit Bias, Power & Empathy, Change Management Strategies, and numerous other Diversity, Equity & Inclusion topics. He uses humor, compelling research, and relatable examples to get the point across.

  • Training Workshops

    For over twenty years, Eric has been teaching people about various social identities, their own implicit biases, and how to create more diverse, equitable, and inclusive teams and organizations.

  • Meeting Facilitation

    If an outside facilitator can help your meeting run more smoothly, Eric can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where participants can say what’s important, take risks, and listen to one another.

  • Curriculum Design

    If you are launching a new Diversity, Equity & Inclusion workshop, Eric can support you by designing an entire workshop, creating case studies and scenarios, converting a live workshop to an engaging and interactive virtual experience, or reviewing a new design and offering suggestions for improvement.